Mr. Klapas Apostolos is Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician in Athens and he maintains the office of KAPLAS APOSTOLOS - REHABILITY. He is a graduate of the Army Corps of Military Staff (SASA), graduate of the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, was trained in the speciality at the FIA department of General Airforce Hospital "KAT", with Postgraduate Diploma in Metabolic Diseases of the Medical School of the ECP. Of Athens and holds a diploma in Medical Acupuncture. He is Deputy Director of the Interdisciplinary Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Armed Forces of the 414th Military Hospital of Athens (Penteli).
At the same time, he has dealt with the management and management of musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain.
In particular, the combination of the patient's holistic, holistic physiological approach and the use of therapeutic methods, techniques and means such as biofeedback, physical means, regenerative therapies, medical acupuncture, shockwave therapy, the targeted radio frequency (Tecar Therapy) offer a reliable treatment option and ultimately pain management.
Finally, through the design and supervision of an individualized exercise program, it is attempted to correct a deficit, improve musculoskeletal function, maintain good physical condition, and prevent the development of painful conditions.