<h2>Apostolos Klapas Rehability | Therapist Athens</h2><p>Physical Restoration Athens</p><div class='bgslideshowmore'><a href='http://www.fysiatroskaplas.4ty.gr/more.php?l=en' >More...</a></div> <h2>Tecar Therapy</h2><p>Radiofrequency Therapy</p><div class='bgslideshowmore'><a href='http://www.fysiatroskaplas.4ty.gr/more3.php?l=el&id=1264' >More...</a></div> <h2>Acupuncture Athens</h2><p>Effectively treat migraines and headaches</p><div class='bgslideshowmore'><a href='http://www.fysiatroskaplas.4ty.gr/more3.php?l=en&id=1266' >More...</a></div> <h2>Shockwave Therapy - Κρουστικός Υπέρηχος</h2><p>Quick, Direct Restoration and Pain Relief</p><div class='bgslideshowmore'><a href='http://www.fysiatroskaplas.4ty.gr/more3.php?l=en&id=1263' >More...</a></div> <h2>Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation</h2><p>Effective Pain Management</p><div class='bgslideshowmore'><a href='http://www.fysiatroskaplas.4ty.gr/more3.php?l=el&id=1265' >More...</a></div>
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Klapas Apostolos | Physiatrist Ilissia - Pain Management

The Office {small}

In his private clinic, Mr. Klapas offers specialized services for rehabilitation of orthopedic, neurological, rheumatic diseases and sports injuries ...


Apostolos Kaplas {small}

Physiotherapist Klapas Apostolos, is physicist and rehabilitation physician in Athens and maintains the clinic KAPLAS APOSTOLOS - REHABILITY. He is a physiotherapist, a graduate of the Army Corps Military School (SASA)


Services {small}

Electronic Prescription, Shockwave Therapy - Extracorporeal Wave Therapy, TecarTherapy - Targeted Radiofrequency Therapy, PRP Injections ...

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Mr. Klapas Apostolos is Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician in Athens and he maintains the office of KAPLAS APOSTOLOS - REHABILITY. He is a physiotgraduate of the Army Corps of Military Staff (SASA), a graduate of the Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, was trained at the speciality at the FIA department of General Airforce Hospital "KAT" with a Postgraduate Diploma in Metabolic Diseases of the Medical School of the EPC. Of Athens and holds a diploma in Medical Acupuncture.
He is Deputy Director of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the 401 Military Hospital of Athens.
At the same time, he has dealt with the management and management of musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain.

Office Hours:
Monday: 14:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 10: 00 - 13:00
Wednesday:14:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 14:00 - 21:00
Friday: 10: 00 - 13:00
Saturday: By appointment
Closed on Sundays